Friday, November 8, 2013

Bibles Buried Treasures - Did G-d Have A Wife.

Leaving Home, Going Home, Returning Home (Israel US) with I love this program. As I came to feel - like many- during my stay in Israel - that the archaeology and the Bible account as told by the Rabbinical Judaism, - were not matching up. Thus I started my own account of life in Israel with an archaeological dig and my own research which pre-dated the recent concepts held by the scientific community. I gave evidence - as an artist - that if the Jewish people were in Egypt - as told in the bible - then why were there no straight lines or ancient Israel signet and paintings, sculptures. In Egypt there are many straight lines, which are man made discovery. Only till the Greeks entered Israel - does this change for the art there. I mention this in the very first chapter of Leaving Home Going Home Returning Home. I am not against the Bible of course, but think it is more important for it's allegorical message than for it's literal account. Thus the archaeology and Bible will not match up. In the end- the Bible would want the truth to come out.