Friday, July 26, 2013

The Great WHO DONE IT!

Well isn't this a great WhoDoneIt? The Egyptian military let Morsi get rid of Mubarak after a prison break, and now is getting rid of Morsi after he did the dirty work. However , in a twist , the bad guys are also Hamas and Hezbullah. Well I wonder what the Israeli's think of that?

Monday, July 22, 2013

You can always tell what is happening in the middle east by what is not said or left out on purpose. Mike Peled son of Yossi Peled writes book. Talks bad about Israel and gives proof that Israel is the bad guy visa vie the Palestinians. Listen to his talk and ask this. Why did he not mention the Mufti of Jerusalem connection to Hitler. Why did he not mention that Nassar wanted to throw the Jews into the sea in 1967. He says the Palestinians were defenseless but did not mention the terror attacks before the 1948 war. He does not mention that it was the British that liberated Palestine from the Ottomans and thus it was for Britain to decide what would happen to the land- that is open it up for Jews to make a state. He also forgot to mention the pogroms against the Jews in Arab lands and the anti semitism in the world when the Jews could not defend themselves. It is very sad that Miko warps history. it won't help. he says israel did not want to negotiate with the Palestinians without mentioning the three no's in Khartoum after the six day war, - No negotiation, No recognition, No peace, for all Arabs with Israel. There are two narratives and Miko is just repeating the Palestinian narrative without even giving any credit to the Israelis .